GT Management Services Sustainability

Sustainability often refers to financial, social & environmental risks, obligations & opportunities. Sometimes referred to as profits, people and planet.

Looking at the sustainability of an organisations over time is important and reacting at key times to ensure survival is essential. A clever organisation connects to healthy economic, social and environmental system, meaning they create economic value but also contribute to healthy ecosystems and strong communities.

Stakeholder Engagement

Continuously learn form customers, employees and the local community. Recognise that engagement is not just about sending out information but listening and understanding people. This includes positive views but also understanding negative views and finding a common ground for solutions. This can only be done by including stakeholders

Environmental Management Systems

Understand systems, structures and processes that help embed environmental efficiency into the culture and mitigate risks. A well known standard worldwide is ISO 14001. However, there are various other industry-specific and country-specific standards

Measurement and Control

If an organisation measures and controls sustainable practices they can be transparent with others. A good example would be organisations that follow the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative.

Life Cycle Analysis

Organisations wanting to lead the was will complete a life cycle assessment where they will systematically analyse the environmental and social impact of the way they operate.